Blog Hero WaterAid - Copperleaf Decision Analytics

Written by: Stefan Sadnicki

Copperleaf Teams Up With Anglian Water To Support WaterAid UK

As described in a previous blog post (Copperleaf Launches RAD Initiative To Make Positive Impact In Local Community), we recently launched our RAD (Random Acts of Delight) initiative, which encourages our employees to give back to local communities in a way that reflects our unique culture. The Copperleaf team in Europe decided to partner up with our client Anglian Water for two fundraising events in support of WaterAid UK: the Anglian Water Regatta and the 23rd Severn Trent Mountain Challenge.

Anglian Water Regatta
On June 21st, our team, including CEO Judi Hess (shown at the helm in the above photo, followed by James and Ludo), attended the regatta, which featured a wide range of races on kayaks constructed out of cardboard, duct tape, plastic bottles and even concrete! Each team had to build their kayak off-site and bring it down on the day of the race. We decided to participate in the plastic bottle kayak race, and it was quite a challenge! But at the end of the day, we worked well as a team and were able to create something that actually floated and we all stayed (pretty much) dry!

Severn Trent Mountain Challenge
On Saturday July 9th, along with 103 other teams from all over England, we participated in the 23rd Severn Trent Mountain Challenge in the Peak District in England. This challenge consists of 10, 20 or 30 mile hikes, and is organised by WaterAid UK and Severn Trent, one of the UK’s water companies. The goal of this event is to raise money to improve access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene in Ethiopia.

We teamed up with Anglian Water and took on the 20 mile distance. After a start on a long and steep uphill slope that set the standard for the rest of the hike, we battled through the rest of the journey. And even though it rained for more than 4 hours, it didn’t dampen our determination to finish the hike.

After hiking in rainy, windy and muddy conditions – but in an exceptionally beautiful environment – for 9 and a half hours, the team arrived at the finish line having completed an amazing challenge for an outstanding cause. Except for a few blisters and sore muscles, nobody from the team was hurt. And we are already looking forward to next year’s event!


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