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Employee Feature: Jody Kidd Leads Copperleaf’s Finance Team With Her Innovative Spirit

Copperleaf® Director of Finance, Jody Kidd, was recently interviewed by the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) of British Columbia’s editorial team. In this feature story, she shares her professional journey, how the CPA designation has helped her career progression, and how her innovative spirit has contributed to the growth of Copperleaf’s finance team.

As a young adult, Jody knew she wanted a career that didn’t restrict her to any one particular industry. She was also inspired by strong female role models who successfully balanced their careers and family lives—and knew she wanted to follow the same path. In pursuing her goals, Jody was led to the CPA profession and a home at Copperleaf.

While working as a financial analyst on BC Hydro’s Generation Capital team, she collaborated with Copperleaf (a small tech startup at the time) on the implementation of its solution—to help BC Hydro improve its asset investment planning processes. Copperleaf was at the forefront of innovative change and Jody knew she wanted to be part of it. She recalls:

As I worked on the project, I became very interested in what Copperleaf was offering and was excited about the opportunity to help them grow. I really believed that Copperleaf had an untapped market with a lot of potential.

Since starting at Copperleaf in 2007 as a senior consultant/accountant, Jody has worked her way up to Director of Finance and helped expand the finance team as Copperleaf has grown from a startup to a global corporation. As a leader, Jody understands the impact her guidance has on others:

As Copperleaf continues to grow, I want to continue developing my leadership skills so that I can help with the career development of my team. I want to ensure the members of my team feel supported and are able to progress through their careers.

Jody believes she has achieved what she always aspired for—thriving in a career not constrained by factors such as industries and gender biases. She’s been able to maintain a healthy work/life balance and in her spare time, enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband and catching up with her three young adult children.

Read Jody’s full interview here.

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